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Precipitation Resources

Precipitation is critical to maintaining both drinking and irrigation water supplies, as well as preserving ecosystems. This page contains links to sites that are related to precipitation and drought.

Hydro Outlook

Resources relating to drought

Drought.gov Data Portal
U.S. Drought portal includes maps, raw data, and current information regarding drought across the U.S.

US Drought Monitor
Resources of the drought monitor, hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Resources relating to Water

USGS National Water Dashboard
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) dashboard providing provisional real-time water data collected at USGS observation stations in context with other public weather, drought, and hydrology sources 

Resources relating to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)

NOAA ATLAS Precip Estimates
A precipitation estimation tool for any given location hosted by NOAA.

NOAA Climate Data Online (CDO)
NOAA's CDO portal provides users with free access to data and the ability to apply filters to search for specific data. See an example of a search using the CDO portal.

Other Useful Resources

MRCC Home Page
The MRCC serves the Midwest region and provides climate data in many forms. 

A citizen science initiative to report observations of rain, hail and snow through a network of trained volunteers.

NASA Precip Measurement
Resources relating to NASA's GPM and TRMM missions and data access from these missions. The data is free and easy to access.

Climate.gov Data Portal
Resources relating to climate data maps for the U.S. This webpage also serves as the gateway for other resources available through Climate.gov.